Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop on Thursday 9 March 2023 Starting 16.00 at Colab Cowork & Cafe

Writing Workshop

on Thursday 9 March 2023 Starting 16.00

at Colab Cowork & Cafe

Hey Writers,
Have you been working on a short story, article, poem, book or screenplay even? You think it’s pretty good but the only person you let read it is your mom who said it was the greatest thing ever written?
Well this can be your chance to get some unbiased, legitimate feedback about how well your writing is going.
You’ll walk away understanding:
-what parts were good/well written
-What parts are confusing, boring, underdeveloped
-How clear and easy to understand your writing is
-What readers want to know more about
-How the piece made your readers feel
-Bonus: get a chance to read other pieces in production and chat with other writers about their process
It doesn’t matter if you are a total beginner or an award winning author, this workshop is for anyone who has written something and wants to know how they’re doing. The only requirement is that you bring a piece of writing that you’ve been working on (something that can be read in about 5-10 minutes (~1-3 pages, single spaced)) and feel comfortable having strangers read. The 10 minute reading limit is to ensure that we have enough time for at least 3 people to read our work and give us feedback. Unfortunately these stories will need to be written in English, but don’t worry if your English isn’t great because we will not focus on spelling, grammar, etc but instead focusing on things like plot, characters, tone/mood, clarity, etc.
The schedule:
4:00-4:15 ~ Introductions, explanation of workshop
4:15-4:45 ~ Creative writing time, use this time to continue to work on your piece, or follow a prompt or exercise to write something new. Yes you can use what you wrote during this time for the revision section later.
4:45-4:50 ~ Quick drink, bathroom break
4:50-5:00 ~ Explanation of workshop principles and guidelines
5:00-5:15 ~ Workshop with partner # 1
5:15-5:30 ~ Workshop with partner # 2
5:30-5:45 ~ Workshop with partner # 3
5:45-6:00 ~ Debrief, follow up with specific workshop partners, contact gathering, personal writing time

พบกับกิจกรรม งานเทศกาลเชียงใหม่ งานกิจกรรมท่องเที่ยวต่างๆ ข่าวสารอัพเดตไวที่สุดพร้อมข้อมูลข่าวสารเชียงใหม่ ล้านนา อื่น ๆ อีกมากมาย ที่นี่ At-chiangmai.com ข่าวสารงานกิจกรรมเชียงใหม่ ต้องเราเท่านั้น

The Location : Colab Cowork & Cafe