PHA KHAW MA Massage 20-21 กันยายน 2565 เวลา 16.00 น. at Wualai Thaimassage

PHA KHAW MA Massage 20-21 กันยายน 2565 เวลา 16.00 น. at Wualai Thaimassage


20-21 กันยายน 2565 เวลา 16.00 น.

at Wualai Thaimassage

loincloth massage นวดผ้าขาวม้า

The Pa Kao Mah (Pa Kao Ma or Pa Kao Mai) is a Thai Sarong, Scarf, or Loincloth. It is a rectangular piece of fabric with the size of an enormous shower towel and initially made of hand-woven cotton in 2 to 3 tones, ordinarily with a checkered example.

In the past times, the fabric was colored with organic product skin and bark and the more elite renditions were made of silk. Today nonetheless, most textures are somewhat plant made and colored with different splendid engineered colors.

It was (yet is) utilized by Thai men generally, particularly those from the Northern locales of Thailand, in spite of the fact that you can see it being utilized wherever the nation over. Thai men regularly fold the Pa Kao Mah over the midriff as dress (for the most part for solace at home), yet, they likewise use it as a towel to go clean up or swim, clear off sweat while dealing with the land or in development, or use it as a cap/head-cover, head-band or scarf.

The Pa Kao Mah is a genuinely multi-reason piece of material that separated from the applications referenced above is utilized as a decorative liner, embellishment, a rope, a bed sheet or cover, a lounger, a pad, a cloth or sack, a scarf, or a facial covering against dust, among different purposes.

Of late, involving the material in a Thai Massage meeting is ascending in fame. During the meeting, the Pa Kao Mah is folded over the body or certain body parts, like the neck or legs, and with gradually pulling, sliding and lifting developments the collector is tenderly extended.

The application can add to help lessening back, neck and shoulder torments, hip agony, knee torment and other joint issues.

Moreover, the specialist can more readily situate oneself playing out the stretch without additional strain.

The Location : Wualai Thaimassage