December 2021 Magic Theatre Open Mic Poetry Reading

December 2021 Magic Theatre Open Mic Poetry Reading on 23 December 2021 6.30-9.30pm at My Secret Cafe In Town

December 2021 Magic Theatre Open Mic Poetry Reading on 23 December 2021 6.30-9.30pm at My Secret Cafe In Town

It’s been a year. And we can’t let this one end without a Real Live Magic Theatre Poetry Reading–Thursday, December 23rd–6:30PM sharp, at My Secret Café In Town in the Old City.
Share what kept you going, or stopped you in your tracks. Tell the world what shut you down, or opened you up. Things you lost. Things you won’t miss. Things you found. Things you held on to.
It’s time to ring out the old and last year’s worries, and ring in the new with next year’s hopes, as we say goodbye to a time when we couldn’t gather together for an event like this. The future’s uncertain, but it’s also suggestible, like a customer looking at a 20-page diner menu, who asks, “So what’s good here?”
Right now? We are.
See you next Thursday night.

WHERE: My Secret Café In Town.

WHEN: 7PM-9:30PM

WHO: You, on the Open Mic.
There will be a sign-up list at the event, but if you’d like to reserve a spot beforehand, just comment on this post.
Depending on how many people show up, each slot will be 5-7 minutes long. Please factor in any introduction as part of your mic time. You can field comments after your set, should you so choose. If you read someone else’s work, please credit them. And if your subject is potentially offensive or triggering, please respect the audience by giving a warning in advance.

My Secret Cafe In Town Location