Trauma Releasing Exercises

Trauma Releasing Exercises

Trauma Releasing Exercises on Saturday 18 March 2023 Starting 15.00 at Chiang Mai Holistic

Trauma Releasing Exercises

on Saturday 18 March 2023 Starting 15.00

at Chiang Mai Holistic

TRE® is a set of 7 gentle exercises designed to promote the release of deep physical manifestations of stress, tension, and trauma in the body. These exercises are designed to safely elicit a natural reflex mechanism in the body of shaking/vibrating in a controlled way that aids in relaxing muscle tension and regulating the nervous system.
Some reported benefits include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Better Sleep
Less Relationship Conflict
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Greater Emotional Resiliency
We will also be working with the nervous system to create a deeper connection and understanding of our body and the information is has to share with us.
TRE® is a safe and effective stress release technique for most people. The TRE process should not be used as a substitute for trauma recovery procedures of a medical or psychological nature

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The Location : Chiang Mai Holistic