Nubian “Intimately” Speakin


Nubian “Intimately” Speakin on Sunday 18 June 2023 Starting 19.00 at Villa Virtuosa

Nubian “Intimately” Speakin

on Sunday 18 June 2023 Starting 19.00

at Villa Virtuosa

Suman and Friends is excited to announce the second of our solo performer shows, the sensual and exquisite Nubian Speakin. This not-to-be-missed one-night-only, one-woman show takes you on a journey of love and intimacy through song, poetry, and interesting life experiences.
Starting at 7pm on Sunday, June 18th, this two-hour performance will be at The Villa Virtuosa and tickets are THB 300 if bought in advance or THB 400 at the door. Seats are limited so contact us now for reservations by emailing Suman at [email protected]
“Nubian “Intimately” Speakin” as it is going to be fabulous! So book now and bring your friends.
Please note that this performance is not suitable for children as it contains adult issues.

The Location : Villa Virtuosa